Friday, April 16, 2010

Final Edits Done!

Almost 35,000 removed and I feel good enough to send out this version to my readers. I have 2 that read the last version and two fresh set of eyes to look it over.

Now to start writing my query letter. I'm finding this is harder than writing the book!

Wish me luck! Queries are going out soon!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Editing Done?

23,013 words removed during that edit. Now I'm going back through and trying to read it to make sure it still makes sense. But since I'm still in editing mode, I'm continuing to cut words as I'm reading.

So, my strategy right now is to read/edit a chapter then reread it to make sure it makes sense. The word count continues to come down. And I'm hoping to have this version out to my readers within a week. *crosses fingers*

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Editing, editing, and more editing...

I remember being so excited when I hit the 200k mark, not realizing then what a ridiculous amount of words that is for a paranormal romance. During the (slow) editing process, I've finally gotten it below that 200k mark, which is bittersweet. My complete story is getting abbreviated to fit the requirements of the industry. I understand.. I'm not complaining, only that I feel it loses a little bit of something the more I cut out.

But I'm doing my edits.. trying hard to conform to the rules of the land with the hopes that the final product will be marketable. So say a prayer, cross your fingers, and wish me luck!